
It’s 2025[1], and there are a number of problems that seem tractable but somehow we haven’t solved them yet. This is especially true when it comes to tools and processes. You can think of this post as sort of my wishlist, because I don’t quite have the time to fix any of them myself.

AST-aware code revision control

What we currently have

Git 1.0.0 was released in 2005, subversion’s 1.0.0 in 2004, and mercurial’s 1.0 in 2008. Those 3 version/revision control systems represent essentially all (>98%) professional developers[2]. There are a few promising new tools, but they haven’t changed the way we reason about changes.

There’s Pijul which is patch-based, rather than snapshot based like the "main three" above. This improves how to understand how the tool internally represents the state of code and changes, but doesn’t fundamentally change anything.

Meta/Facebook released (GPLv2) their internal VCS (version control system) tool, Sapling, which is the result of supercharging mercurial to work in a top-down, monolithic (monorepo) collection of a very large amount of code. Facebook apparently uses a giant monorepo, and at their scale Git or Mercurial just wouldn’t cut it.[3] They (like many modern alternatives to git) also added some quality of life improvements, namely around conflict resolution, speed, and fixing accidents.footnote[See Meta’s 2022 blog post about Sapling for more details. While I welcome improving the UX of Git, this is still just an iterative improvement.

Then there’s Fossil, which is like a self-hosted GitHub-lite or Gitea except that the versioning control applies to tickets, wiki, docs, etc rather than just the code. I’m a big proponent of putting everything in version control[4] so that is closer to a fundamental shift, but there’s nothing stopping you from doing all that tracking in plain-text in your git repo right now. Additionally Fossil tracks changes much more like a database tracks changes: atomic and consistent (i.e. cannot be revised). Small wonder the most famous user of Fossil is SQLite.

There are other tools like Jujutsu, or Breezy and others, but they all appear to focus on git-compatibility or some combination of the "main three" I listed above.


All modern code can be represented as an abstract syntax tree (AST), and some tools like tree-sitter exist to create that tree in just about all languages people are writing code in. Why then, is there not a VCS that operates on those constructs rather than the strings or bytes that the code lives on disk as?

For example, this code:

const x = 3;
const y = 2;
let a = x - (y + 5);

roughly becomes:

Failed to generate image: Could not find the 'd2' executable in PATH; add it to the PATH or specify its location using the 'd2' document attribute
0: 'let a ='
0.shape: 'circle'
1: '-'
1.shape: 'circle'
2: 'x'
2.shape: 'circle'
3: '3'
3.shape: 'circle'
4: '+'
4.shape: 'circle'
5: '2'
5.shape: 'circle'
6: 'y'
6.shape: 'circle'
7: '5'
7.shape: 'circle'

0 -> 1
1 -> 2 -> 3
1 -> 4 -> 7
4 -> 6 -> 5

Combining an AST with some additional metadata (for organizing and readability) and a strong, automatic formatter should result in consistent code without requiring completely new Integrated Developer Editors (IDEs). Although I would expect the advent of AST-aware VCS to also motivate the creation of AST-targeted IDEs that operate on the tree rather than files on disk too. Code could be consistently "rendered" to a bunch of source files, etc. Changes would be tracked much closer to what the language understands rather than what changes on disk.

Just look at what the diff or patch looks like when moving code to a new file[5], or when trying to rename a variable resulting in the conversation degrading to "you’re holding it wrong".

We have the technology now, so where is it?

Better formal methods

Formal methods are fantastic for eliminating errors. They are truly amazing if you can work in the way that works best with formal methods. You can either write the mathematical proofs first, and generate the code. Or, you can write your proofs/contracts alongside your code and (usually with some extra help from you) get the theorem prover to give you a certificate of correctness.

Formal methods can give a very high degree of certainty that your software will perform correctly (although speed/efficiency is not addressed). Their use in critical applications like avionics or security libraries is a boon for all of us. Unfortunately formal methods aren’t user friendly enough.[6] Using formal methods requires learning at least new ways of writing out your proofs alongside or instead of your code and interactively generating proofs on existing code is not feasible right now.

What I want is to be able to specify the contracts of each function using the programming language, and having the compiler or some sort of helper give guarantees and ensure correctness without having to jump through hoops. Things like bounded-numbers, strong-typing, semantic[7] or refined types are available now but not always all in the same language[8]. and they aren’t enough yet. Perhaps LLMs can help with this, so I have a bit more hope that formal methods can become easier to use.

Dependency capability limits

Stacks and stacks of paperwork.

Transitive dependencies are a security nightmare[9]. Between the xz supply chain attack and npm’s left-pad incident, there is much to fear when it comes to the security of your software supply chain. However, the absolutely huge performance bonus you get from using well-managed and well-optimized libraries are too important to leave behind. So what then?

Why then, can we not limit the capabilities of dependencies? I would love to say in (i.e. configure) my Cargo.toml to prohibit the reqwest crate from accessing the disk and prohibit the serde crate from doing anything on the network. Even better, it would be amazing to fully specify the limits to the dependencies from my code to a highly precise degree, like compile time guarantees that the disk access is read-only in a specific spot, or sandbox, etc.

We have things like wasm that are a start, but they don’t give you any control besides giving you a relatively safe sandbox to run other people’s code in.

This gets a little complicated because the problem of someone linking to another binary or writing assembly, both of which have appropriate uses, can be used to bypass via obfuscation most checks I would think of being possible currently. I think a new high-level language is needed to demonstrate how nice this could be. A language where the capabilities are detected by the compiler and clearly (automatically) documented so automated enforcement is possible.

Bonus - Clocks

Ok this isn’t really something that will help a software developer, but I am frustrated that so many clocks are out of sync. Between kitchen appliances, wall clocks, car clocks, etc I just assume that they are +/- a few minutes of the actual time. Why are we still setting clocks manually? I own a radio-synchronized wrist-watch[10], some radio synchronized wall clocks, some GPS-synced clocks but getting anything remotely nice in any device that provides it’s own clock is extremely difficult. I mean $1000 ovens can’t even be bothered to put a quartz oscillator for their clock[11]!

it’s been over 60 years since WWVB (the NIST time clock for the US/Cananda) officially launched and 45 ish years since GPS was available to civilians. Why aren’t these more available and just included in things?

The main problem I see is that there’s no cheap, accurate, reliable way to get time signals - GPS and WWVB (or equivalent) don’t work super well through walls, after all. But we all (mostly) have WiFi. Surely there’s space in the access point beacons[12] for adding some world time (a sort of up-time of the WiFi access point is already present) to those packets. That way you could get internet time without ever connecting to the internet!

1. or 12,025 HCE
2. In StackOverflow’s 2022 Developer Survey only 1.38% of "professional developers" don’t use Git, SVN, or Mercurial as their primary version control
3. To be fair, Git was designed for an email, patch-based workflow well before anyone had ever coined the term 'monorepo'.
4. Someday I’ll explain
5. This is not the best example because the filenames are de-facto modules in python and this technically results in a different structure, but there is no real change because a test got moved from one file to another. The function itself is the same, but git can only see them as completely separate changes.
6. Hillel Wayne in his formal methods blog post lists great reasons why formal methods don’t work.
8. I’m aware of some refined types in rust, like uom but not language-wide constructs
9. Laurence Tratt gives an exquisite analysis of this problem on his blog. I definitely took some inspiration from that post here
10. A Casio LCW-M100TS, an amazing watch
11. They just use the mains frequency, which is not very precise
12. There’s a whole vendor-specific payload section to the 802.11 beacon frames, and clearly plenty of room to put a time signal. An access point could emit a beacon, say once a minute, containing the linux epoch and most devices could ignore it, but clocks could listen for that beacon and correct their clock.